Social Responsibility

Human Talent

To date, Fibra Nova has a staff of 6 employees, all of whom are full-time and permanent employees of the company. We do not have external personnel, nor part-time or part-time employees. Our focus is always on retaining the best talent, without discriminating on the basis of race, gender, beliefs or other criteria. At year-end 2023, Fibra Nova's structure was composed as follows:

Employee health and safety

By adopting our Code of Ethics and Conduct, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting health and safety in the workplace. In line with this conviction, we have created a strategy to prevent and reduce potential risks that could affect our employees, based on the standards and practices established by the Official Mexican Standards of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, which regulate safety and well-being in the workplace.

Similarly, through the health campaigns promoted by the Grupo Bafar Foundation, we seek to preserve the general wellbeing of our employees, providing them with access to comprehensive care. In these campaigns, we focus on fundamental aspects of health, such as dental, visual and hearing health.

Talent development

One of our fundamental strategies is the continuous training of our employees, through the development of customized study plans for each position to ensure that our workforce acquires the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties to the fullest.

In line with our learning culture, we direct our efforts towards the development of internal talent, for which we apply the Internal Talent Development Model, which is composed of two fundamental programs: Management Talent Development and Talent Banking.

It is based on the implementation of an Individual Development Plan (IDP) designed for employees in five specific programs: succession planning, high potentials, key positions, current position and cross training.

It provides our internal employees with the opportunity to become familiar with the standard operation and acquire the skills necessary to assume an immediate senior position, to ensure a smooth transition in case a vacancy arises in the organization.

We carry out evaluations on the performance and progress achieved by our employees. In order to motivate them, we have implemented two essential plans, the Bafar Shareholder Plan and the Retirement Plan, conceived at the Bafar Group level, but which also benefit our employees, thus contributing to their well-being at work.

Diversity, inclusion and equality

At Fibra Nova, we recognize and deeply appreciate diversity, and we understand that non-discrimination is an essential element for our growth and success as an organization; therefore, we assume a firm commitment to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all our employees, regardless of their origin, race, marital status, opinions, gender, beliefs, economic class, health condition, family situation, sexual identity, disability, nationality, immigration status or union membership.

Our commitment to gender equity and our salary tabulation policy are two examples of the actions we implement to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all our employees. We will continue to strive to promote an inclusive and respectful work environment, where each person can develop their full potential and contribute to the success and growth of our organization.

Carr. a Cuauhtémoc Km 7.5, Las Animas, 31415 Chihuahua, Chih.

Tel. 01-614-439-01-00

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